Neural Networks method (in-sample and out-of-sample performance measure) is illustrated here. The package neuralnet
and nnet are used for this purpose.
packageThe arguments:
packageThe arguments:
For regression problems, we use neuralnet
and add linear.output = TRUE
when training model. In practices, the normalization and standardization for predictors and response variable are recommended before training a neural network model. Otherwise, your neural network model may not be able to converge as the following case:
nn <- neuralnet(f, data=train_Boston, hidden=c(5), linear.output=T)
# Algorithm did not converge in 1 of 1 repetition(s) within the stepmax.
I chose to use the min-max method and scale the data in the interval \([0,1]\). Other reference online: [1]
maxs <- apply(Boston, 2, max)
mins <- apply(Boston, 2, min)
scaled <-, center = mins, scale = maxs - mins))
index <- sample(1:nrow(Boston),round(0.9*nrow(Boston)))
train_Boston <- scaled[index,]
test_Boston <- scaled[-index,]
f <- as.formula("medv ~ .")
# Or you can do the following way that is general and will ease your pain to manually update formula:
# resp_name <- names(train_Boston)
# f <- as.formula(paste("medv ~", paste(resp_name[!resp_name %in% "medv"], collapse = " + ")))
nn <- neuralnet(f,data=train_Boston, hidden=c(5,3), linear.output=T)
pr_nn <- compute(nn, test_Boston[,1:13])
# recover the predicted value back to the original response scale
pr_nn_org <- pr_nn$net.result*(max(Boston$medv)-min(Boston$medv))+min(Boston$medv)
test_r <- (test_Boston$medv)*(max(Boston$medv)-min(Boston$medv))+min(Boston$medv)
# MSPE of testing set
MSPE_nn <- sum((test_r - pr_nn_org)^2)/nrow(test_Boston)
## [1] 7.435858
Remark: If the testing set is not available in practice, you may try to scale the data based on the training set only. Then the recovering process should be changed accordingly.
For classification problems, we use neuralnet
and add linear.output = FALSE
when training model. A common practice is again to scale/standardize predictor variables.
Bank_data_scaled <- Bank_data <-
read.csv(file = "", header=T)
# summary(Bank_data)
maxs <- apply(Bank_data[,-c(1:3)], 2, max)
mins <- apply(Bank_data[,-c(1:3)], 2, min)
Bank_data_scaled[,-c(1:3)] <-[,-c(1:3)], center = mins, scale = maxs - mins))
sample_index <- sample(nrow(Bank_data_scaled),nrow(Bank_data_scaled)*0.70)
Bank_train <- Bank_data_scaled[sample_index,]
Bank_test <- Bank_data_scaled[-sample_index,]
f <- as.formula("DLRSN ~ R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 + R6 + R7 + R8 + R9 + R10")
# You may need to specific the formula rather than
Bank_nn <- neuralnet(f, data=Bank_train, hidden=c(3), algorithm = 'rprop+', linear.output=F, likelihood = T)
pcut_nn <- 1/36
prob_nn_in <- predict(Bank_nn, Bank_train, type="response")
pred_nn_in <- (prob_nn_in>=pcut_nn)*1
table(Bank_train$DLRSN, pred_nn_in, dnn=c("Observed","Predicted"))
## Predicted
## Observed 0 1
## 0 1725 1530
## 1 24 526
pred <- prediction(prob_nn_in, Bank_train$DLRSN)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(perf, colorize=TRUE)
#Get the AUC
unlist(slot(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values"))
## [1] 0.9045591
## aic bic
## 347.2087 578.2393
prob_nn_out <- predict(Bank_nn, Bank_test, type="response")
pred_nn_out <- (prob_nn_out>=pcut_nn)*1
table(Bank_test$DLRSN, pred_nn_out, dnn=c("Observed","Predicted"))
## Predicted
## Observed 0 1
## 0 729 676
## 1 15 211
pred <- prediction(prob_nn_out, Bank_test$DLRSN)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(perf, colorize=TRUE)
#Get the AUC
unlist(slot(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values"))
## [1] 0.8717853